Saturday 21 February 2015

cny woes

It's been a long time since I posted anything here! It's Day 3 of Chinese New Year and I've been eating more than I should. Oops. It probably wasn't such a good idea to consume so much sugar (sweet drinks are my weakness) in 4 days - eve of CNY included in the feastivities... I'm already feeling sluggish and tired from the sugar spikes and crashes. That aside, it has been a really lucky day so far! Woke up early and went to town to get a pair of shoes that I wanted that were recently restocked :D Last pair in my size! YES!

I wanted to share my woes as a person who generally hates bright colours and flowery prints on my clothes. Black and white is considered taboo as it is associated with bad luck and death/mourning in the Chinese culture. Red is often the approved colour for CNY outfits... but I just can't. Unless I really HAVE TO. Then I'll wear it. And sulk. That reminds me of my Chinese Orchestra costume... Shudders.

I don't wanna buy clothes that I can only wear for a certain kind of occasion. That's one of my philosophies in life LOL. Like, I wouldn't be decked out in red or orange in my daily life so all these colours are immediately ruled out when searching for CNY-approved outfits. I usually just search for darker shades like olive, dark green, burgundy and navy. Still, it's a struggle to find something I like even if its in a colour *I* approve of - it also depends on the cutting and fit of clothes!

Shopping for clothes for Chinese New Year hasn't been that successful this year as compared to shopping for COSMETICS! Literally blew my bank account with all the random make up purchases. Seriously, shopping for clothes suitable for CNY isn't that easy for a person with a monochromatic wardrobe. SO TO MAKE MY LIFE EASIER... I bought whatever I liked, mostly all white pieces (much better than all black right?). This year I got all my clothes online. Easy breezy. No squeezing with the crowd and queuing for changing rooms.

I guess the moral of the story is to buy whatever you like and make it work! :D And also disregard the comments and disapproving stares if you do get them. SHAKE IT OFF, SHAKE IT OFF!  Happy Chinese New Year! Enjoy the remaining days of CNY!

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